The school year is about to start. How was last year for your class or your children?
If you notice patterns...
- The day starts off strong but deteriorates by afternoon
- Behavior patterns you observed last year surface again
- They do well in the morning but seem hyper after lunch
- They seem to fall asleep in the morning but wake up after lunch
- The year starts off great but seems to fall apart after the first holiday
- Your child loves school and loves his/her lessons but fails the tests
- Reading is tedious in spite of a great vocabulary and good verbal skills...
Deja vu!
Seems I've been here before!
When the problems keep recurring, it's time to take inventory. Deal with the root cause before the next school year begins!
When our bright and charming children have minor learning problems, they are especially hard to detect. These children can talk their way out of anything. Their issues usually come across as bossy, stubborn, or bored. It's hard to see the root issue underneath. But it is time to talk with your doctor.
The following hard to detect issues can create havoc in any classroom. Check for:
- Vision. Be sure to have eyes checked regularly. Glasses may be needed; they may not be enough. Behavioral optometrists specialize in children with learning disorders. We understand the term dyslexic. Dyslexia has over 100 cousins that are not as easily identifiable. Have your child evaluated.
- Hearing. When I mention I suspect a hearing issue, the common response from parents is, "Oh, he hears. He is just stubborn, but he's very bright." Bright and hearing impaired are two very different things. Resolving a hearing impairment will keep your bright children learning and growing.
- Allergies. Both allergies and allergy medications can cause learning problems.
- Blood sugar. Notice behavior changes before and after a meal. Notice behavior patterns after eating sweets or carbs. A general rule of thumb is to have your children add protein to any snack. It helps level out the mood swings.
My grandson is entering 3rd grade. He is in vision therapy over the summer. This time, though, we spotted the behaviors early because we knew what we were dealing with.
Deja Vu!
Check out our YouTube Home Sweet Homework channel for great tools to help your children learn:
For more detailed information about how to help and where to find help, check out Home Sweet Homework!

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